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While the entertainment sector is just another facet of commercial real estate development, there are certain nuances in developing projects such as movie theaters with their wide spans and stadium seating.  Theaters also depend heavily on site selection so they can be exposed to the regional population.  Significant thought also has to be put in by the developer to plan for ingress/egress of 2400+ people flowing in and out every 2-3 hours.

Movie Theaters

Developing a theater can be challenging.  The various sized auditoriums, vast ceiling spans and multi-story walls, a theater is a structure of grandeur.  With that comes unique design and development issues that an experienced developer knows how to handle in order to avoid the pitfalls.  Working with major theater chains, Stonegate has developed several theaters throughout the southeast.

Hollywood Video

While the days of renting videos may be going away quickly, the video experience was a top attraction in the not too distant past.  We had our share developing video stores throughout the southeast.  While they were simple structures, their location was paramount and our site selection skills prevailed in locating and developing numerous sites for Hollywood Video.



Carvers Restaurant

At Stonegate we have developed a multitude of different restaurant concepts throughout the years.  From standalone restaurants to in-line restaurants that have become part of our larger shopping centers, we have met and exceeded our client’s expectations on every project.


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